Doctor of Pharmacy, Pharm.D.

响应号召,全面支持你的社区,并在药学博士身上体现基督的怜悯.D.) degree program at Palm Beach Atlantic University. 从事严格的研究和完成一年的动手临床实践,为你的职业生涯辩护做准备, management, expertise, and service.

Lloyd L. Gregory School of Pharmacy

West Palm Beach



Why Pursue your Pharm.D. at PBA?

在佛罗里达州顶尖的药学学校之一培养你的潜力. 拼搏体育的格雷戈里药学院通过以学生为中心的方式进行教育, holistic, 以及为你和你的病人的成功而设计的现实实践. Develop professionally, clinically, and spiritually in this uniquely faith-lead program, 仆人式领导和病人护理倡导是我们所做的一切的根本.

  • Rooted in Faith: We infuse Christian values throughout the Pharm.D. 计划,为医疗保健提供者的道德行为奠定坚实的基础.
  • Affordable我们具有竞争力的价格计划帮助您将职业目标定位在经济范围内.
  • Individualized Learning一对一的教授和小组关注使PBA与众不同——我们的75名学生群体是佛罗里达州最有限的.
  • Career-Focused: Clinical practice, career advising, 导师会帮助你规划学习,实现毕业后的目标.
  • NAPLEX SuccessPBA毕业生的NAPLEX通过率高于州和全国平均水平.


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What You’ll Learn

With a Pharm.D. degree from PBA, you will become a:

  • Medication expert, providing medication therapy management, designing drug dosing regimens, recommending optimal drug delivery formulations, and resolving medication-related problems.
  • Patient-centered care practitioner, 评估治疗方案中患者和治疗的特定因素, 制定鼓励药物依从性的策略, preparing comprehensive therapeutic plans, documenting patient care information, and evaluating medication orders.
  • Servant leader, modeling Christ’s example of teaching and healing, practicing life-long learning, collaborating with fellow healthcare practitioners, 与病人建立契约关系.
  • Professional communicator, 在整个医疗团队中倡导患者护理, communicating with patients, exhibiting empathy and respect, and performing with professionalism and confidence.
  • Pharmacy systems manager, adhering to healthcare system principles, 参与系统实践的开发和应用, assessing and reporting team performance, implementing collaborative cost-effective care, reconciling appropriate use of medications, 利用卫生信息学和技术资源优化护理.

Excellence in NAPLEX Pass Rates

你在药房投入的时间,才能和精力.D. PBA的课程将在您的职业生涯早期获得回报:我们的毕业生在北美药剂师执照考试(NAPLEX)中始终保持高通过率。, 超过了州和全国的平均水平.

在146学时的药学课程中询问原则和应用实践.D. degree. 您的前三年学习将致力于理论和实验为基础的课程, including case studies and clinical applications. In your fourth year, 您将在社区专业实践环境中完成42个学分的临床轮转. 通过将严谨的课程与丰富的实践经验相结合,药学专业的学生将获得丰富的实践经验.D. 学位装备你在不同的病人护理环境变革的职业生涯.


药学博士课程为你准备了五个方面的专业药学实践:药物专业知识, patient-centered care, servant leadership, professional communication, and pharmacy systems management. Explore each dimension of the Pharm.D. program.

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Our small, collaborative Pharm.D. 学位课程通过选择性录取培养个性化的教育环境. Our application cycle 七月中旬开学,第二年八月入学. 我们审查申请,安排面试,并在滚动的基础上发出决定. Apply by June 1 to enroll in the same year.

Complete approximately two years of pre-professional coursework 以便被考虑进入药房.D. degree program. 这些先决条件必须在地区认可的学院或大学学习, with a grade of C- or better, before you have enrolled in the School of Pharmacy, and within 10 years of your application.

锻炼你的临床技能,并为整个实验室和评估课程的药学博士项目的职业机会做好准备, case studies, and clinical placements in general medicine, ambulatory care, community health, hospital practice, and additional elective settings.

PBA的药学博士课程为毕业生准备参加北美药剂师执照考试(NAPLEX)。, 美国药剂师执照的全国性考试. 在美国,通过这个考试是获得药剂师执照的必要条件.  Additionally, PBA的药理学博士课程为毕业生准备参加佛罗里达州多州药理学考试(MPJE)。, 佛罗里达州药剂师执照所要求的一种全州范围的考试. 执照和证书因州而异, 毕业生在佛罗里达州以外的州寻求执照或认证时,应准备好遵守额外的要求.

在拥有200家医疗保健机构和150多家生物技术公司的南佛罗里达州,作为一名药剂师,致力于一份有益而有影响力的职业, medical device, 还有制药公司,或者全国各地的公司. 


丰富的实战经验和专业的药学准备.D. 计划将提高你在这个有利可图的领域的潜力, where the median annual salary is over $132,000 per the Bureau of Labor Statistics

West Palm Beach Admissions

Office of Admissions

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